Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Plot/Idea for Project

After figuring out my genre, I started to think about the story of what I was actually going to film and fully pursue for my project. I had originally came up with the idea of a police chase with cars, and a lot of action, however, that was not going to work out for me because I don't have enough people to help film that. So I finally decided that I am still going with the comedic approach with just less action.

My opening will revolve around a teenager who works as a delivery driver and is in need of money. He gets a notification of a big money reward that can be earned by completing a delivery in the same hour. He then goes to an old, grumpy neighbor's house, who confuses him for the wrong person, and they get in a big fight. The end of the film will reveal a comedic twist where the old man was wrong the whole time and the kid was doing nothing wrong.

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