Thursday, February 20, 2025

Mise-en-scene elements pt.1

 After figuring my idea out, one of the things that was most important was where exactly I was going to film it. I decided that I will be filming in my house because it is a controlled environment, I have easy access to props, and it is very ideal for my film.

For the setting/atmosphere, I can record shots in my living room or hallway, which would help create a realistic and relatable setting for a comedic movie. Alexx's bedroom will be casual and kind of messy to reflect his chill/laid-back lifestyle, and many weird decorations like extra locks on the door, and messy papers can be used to show how paranoid Mr.Brown is.

For the props, I'll use many different items to describe and develop the my characters . For example, I'll use a frying pan to show how over-the-top Mr.Brown is, and pizza boxes and old laundry to show how Alex is lazy. Also, natural lighting will be used in Alex's room to show his relaxing and normal life. Warmer lighting will be used in Mr. Brown's house to develop a more intense atmosphere.

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