Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Group Meetings

 Today in class, we were put into groups to discuss our ideas with other students to work together and help improve each others work. For this assignment, we were told to be as honest as possible because it doesn't help anyone make their work better when you don't give them your real opinion.

The people I worked with were very helpful because I didn't have that much of an idea of what I was going to do until today. 

I also took many notes of everyone else's plans to maybe get some more ideas of what I could incorporate into my own film.

Here are the notes I took,

My Project 

-Opens during a chase after a robbery 

-Credits shown during chase on different objects

Elisa’s Project 

-Horror/thriller film 

-supernatural type of movie 

Robbie’s Project 

-teen comedy 

-unpopular teen that became very popular out of nowhere tries to hide the secret that he had a party at his parents 

-Inspired by Roderick from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid 

-Filming at a friend's house 

-Title is “After Party” 

Sophia’s Project 

-teenage girls playing April fools 

-they do pranks on each other 


-Inspired by Dexter show 

-Title will be “April Fools” 

Isabelle’s Project 


-inspired by the opening from S7VEN 

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