Monday, December 9, 2024

Music Marketing Project

Recently, we've been assigned a project to "start" our own music band and create a marketing campaign to promote and grow our band's popularity. First, we had a research assignment where, me and a couple others researched different Heavy Rock bands, like Metallica, Maneskin, Deftones, and SlipKnot. This part of the project helped us research and learn how some of the most popular bands from our genre grew and made a name for themselves. So now we were given a choice of four songs from Ms. Stoklosa to create a music video on. My group chose the song Blind by Korn, and we have been watching and listening the components on how to make a great storytelling/mixed, heavy rock music video. We have created social media accounts, on Youtube, to upload the video, and Instagram, to promote the video/song. We just finished creating a storyboard to plan the video, and are currently still filming and editing the first music video we've ever created. My group has decided to name the band, "The Crashouts." 
