Monday, September 30, 2024

One Word Film

Summary of Project

For this project, we were instructed to group up with a partner and create our own short film that was based of a single word Ms. Stoklosa had given us. We had to use different shots, angles, and editing techniques to develop the story as well. Before shooting, our groups had to brainstorm ideas on how to create these shots for when we actually film them. This short film had to also be based off of an event that would happen in 60 to 90 seconds in real time. Both members were required to edit the videos, and they had to be a maximum of 1 1/2 minutes. No dialouge was to be used in the video, because there should've been only been instrumental audio elements in it.


While brainstorming we were given a storyboard handout, which helped us draw out how we want our shots to look like in the film, and describe each scene as well.


I used iMovie to edit my video, using the included sound effects, and filters to create more context on the story.


For next time, I plan on using a different editing software, because iMovie gave me some problems at some times. I also want to have better quality on some of my videos in the future because it is never pleasing to the viewer to watch a mid to low quality video.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz

For this assignment, we were told to get in a group with one other partner and create our own story using any inanimate object. However, we had to make our story using only fifteen differents shots such as a long shot, medium shot, close-up, etc.

Me and Elias made a story about a pen that got lost by its owner and was lost in a big school until it found another pen to adventure with.

We did a pretty good job in using the different shots to establish the tone or setting of the story. For example, in one of our shots, after the pen had been lost by its owner, we took a high-angle shot of the pen on the ground lost in a big classroom. 

This was my favorite shot because it helps establish how small the pen is in the classroom, and makes it seem like the pen is helpless in the middle of nowhere. After looking back on our shots, something I would want to keep in mind for the next time doing this is, to have better lighting, and to be better with the zoom on the pictures.

Below is the link to the project.

Camera Shots Quiz 
