Sunday, March 16, 2025

CCR Question #4

 How did you integrate technology in the process?

To create my film, I used my phone to shoot the scenes. I edited using iMovie, where I added sound effects like locks clicking and the frying pan hit for comedic impact. I also adjusted the lighting in some shots to keep the visuals clear. One challenge I faced was trying to find the perfect lighting for my shots, but I fixed it by setting my tripod in the perfect spot and shooting everything at the same time so they had the same brightness. Overall, technology helped bring my vision to life and enhance the comedic timing.

CCR Question #3

 3. How does your product engage with the audience?

I wanted my film to engage the audience through humor and relatability. Many people can relate to Alex’s frustration when dealing with irrational people, which makes his reactions funnier. The pacing is also designed to keep viewers entertained, there’s a quick setup, rising tension, and a comedic outcome at the end. The mystery of ‘what’s in the package’ keeps the audience curious, and the unexpected reveal adds to the humor. For this question I'll show clips like the package opening, Mr. Brown's serious reaction, and when Alex looked like he was tired of everything that happened.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

CCR Question #2

2. How does your product represent social groups or issues?

My film plays with the idea of paranoia and skepticism in today’s world. Mr. Brown represents an extreme version of someone who doesn’t trust the system, while Alex is the average guy just trying to do his job. This reflects how in real life, gig economy workers often deal with strange or difficult customers. Alex also represents younger workers who take jobs from apps without always knowing what they’re getting into. The comedy comes from their encounter, and Mr. Brown is convinced Alex is part of some conspiracy, while Alex is just here for a big paycheck.

Friday, March 14, 2025

Group meeting #2

 Today in my  media class, we were put in groups to discuss our current status on our short film openings. During the meeting, my friends gave me good ideas and insights. I realized that I am a little behind and need to be basically done with my film by now.

We talked about eachothers plans for the CCR since everything should be finished in a couple days. I told them about my plan to do a director's commentary type of video, where I'll be talking over clips and shots from my film opening. I'm choosing this form of video to dive deeper into parts of my work.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Script for CCR Question #1

Action-comedy films often rely on fast paced, exaggerated reactions, and mismatched character dynamics. I used these elements in The Wrong Package by having a paranoid, weird character (Mr. Brown) and a sarcastic, chill protagonist (Alex). Their contrast drives the humor, which is common in buddy comedies. The film also includes quick dialogue exchanges and physical comedy, like Mr. Brown using a frying pan. However, I challenged action conventions by making the ‘threat’ completely ridiculous, there’s no real danger, just a misunderstanding. Instead of a big fight scene, the tension builds up only for the reveal to be something completely ordinary. 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Editing Plarform

I used iMovie to edit my project in a lot of different ways, making the final film look way more polished and professional. One of the biggest ways it helped was with cutting and trimming scenes to make sure the timing was just right, especially for comedic moments where I needed quick cuts to keep the humor sharp. I also used transitions to smooth out scene changes, like fading to black after the frying pan hit to add some extra drama.

Another super useful tool was adjusting the audio, making dialogue clearer by raising the volume when it was too quiet and adding background music to set the mood. I even threw in sound effects, like a dramatic “whoosh” when Mr. Brown grabbed the frying pan, to make certain moments funnier. Color correction also helped a lot. I brightened up some shots where the lighting wasn’t great to make everything look more natural.

Overall, I learned some stuff on iMovie from my past projects in this class and once again this app made it really easy to put everything together, and I was able to tweak small details until the film looked exactly how I wanted. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Essential item for production

 Today I got the package of the item that I was waiting some time for; a phone tripod that will help me record many of my shots. I was very dependant on this arriving because many of the shots in my opening require stable shots, and this tripod does exactly that. It is also very conventional because you can close it and travel with it whenever you want.

This tripod has honestly been a lifesaver for my film project. It keeps my shots steady, so I don’t have to worry about shaky footage making everything look unprofessional. It also lets me set up different angles without begging someone to hold the camera for me. Plus, I don’t have to stack a bunch of random books or balance my phone on a chair just to get the right shot. It makes filming so much easier, and I can actually focus on acting and directing instead of constantly fixing the camera.  

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CCR Question #4

 How did you integrate technology in the process? To create my film, I used my phone to shoot the scenes. I edited using iMovie, where I add...